Saturday, July 17, 2010

U.S. Mission in Afghanistan

The US Government says we're trying to eliminate terrorism by building up a nation that has been corrupted by Taliban insurgency. Our presence in Kandahar is really about helping to provide safety, order, and equality to the Afghan citizens so they can be independent. It's like trying to clean up a bad neighborhood that's been overrun by the mob; a noble quest, but is it possible?

While I hope for the best and support our troops, it  doesn't seem likely that our presence in Afghanistan is welcome or will produce lasting and positive results. Many American soldiers are being killed as a result and the overall Muslim attitude is that we are intruding on their country and way of life, thereby increasing hatred for democracy and thus the American way of life. Who says its our job to fix a crippling nation and that we can afford it ourselves? Each day in this war costs us billions of dollars in equipment and supplies as well as the American lives of the soldiers on the front lines. Common sense to me, says why invest energy and resources where we aren't wanted.

This "War on Terrorism" has gotten out of control. We are fighting an invisible opposition that exists everywhere (world-wide); not just in one central location. These viewpoints also exist within our own country! They are fanatically based, religious/ culturally embedded; an ideological difference of opinion and nothing more. So how is physical fighting against ideology going to change anything? Maybe I'm being overly simplistic, but what happened to good old fashioned diplomacy or how about changing the stance the US takes on war and opposing viewpoints altogether? Wouldn't this go farther and cost a lot less money than waging war? The time has come to rise above fighting in response to conflict. We are more evolved than this. There are always peaceful solutions and I urge the US Gov't to find them. Isn't this what the United Nations created for?

I look forward to hearing from you and more common sense discussion on this subject and anything else. Please post your comments and lets try to find some common ground.

Rev. Lisa Marie

Friday, July 9, 2010

Judicial Conflict of Interest & Corporate Greed

Today,  judges that have a vested interest in BP, ruled not to put a moratorium on off-shore drilling even though future oil spills are probable and there are no adequate safety plans in place! This doesn't make any rational sense. Gulf fisherman, businesses, and the states involved, depend on the ocean/beach coast to earn a living. 

Dismissing the current crisis, only sends the message that greed and governmental corruption outweigh the needs of the larger community. Isn't allowing judges who are BP shareholders a conflict of interest? The answer is a renowning yes! 

So what are we (the American people) going to do about it?